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Amphibians Breathe Through In Water

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With some amphibians, it appears that they can breathe underwater, when in fact they are holding their breath! When in water they use both the air they have taken in through their nostrils to their lungs while at the surface, as well as oxygen from cutaneous respiration through their skin. Pin on Amphibians Yes, there are many amphibians that hibernate. Amphibians breathe through in water . All can breathe and absorb water through their very thin skin. Occasionally, tadpoles may rise above the water surface and gulp oxygen from the air. All reptiles breathe through their lungs. However, like tadpoles, breathing is controlled through throat movements. As you might have guessed already, toxins. Not all amphibians can breathe underwater. Some amphibians can hold their breath for hours. On, the other hand the adults can live and breathe both on land and underwater for part of the time. They don’t have gills, and instead of gills, they do have papillae that do the same