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New Year's Celebration Sydney

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London and sydney light up with huge firework displays, and new. See in the new year in style; 2000 Sydney New Year's Eve Centenary of Federation. In Map of the green and yellow zones designated zones will be established for circular quay, north sydney and the city. New year's celebration sydney . However you are planning to celebrate, make sure you are aware of the restrictions in place to keep everyone safe. Enjoy a front row seat of the sydney new year's eve celebration from a world class location in campbell’s cove. New york's times square new year's eve celebration to go. No new year’s eve event is complete without a celebratory libation, so raise a toast with a glass of french champagne or a beverage of your choice from. This is one of the largest and most popular free events in the world and the crowds build steadily from about midday. Visit the official website to stay up to date with the latest details. On this night, the harbor is lit