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Cheese Rolling Sport History

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It is estimated to have originated during the 15 th century, when rolling cheese wheels was used to maintain grazing rights for livestock on the commons. While cheese rolling seems like a mostly basic sport, it actually has a lot of history. MORRIS DANCERS Google Search Morris dancers, Morris Cheese rolling was actually invented in the early 1930's when many men just raced down cooper hill at a picnic. Cheese rolling sport history . Cheese rolling is an outdoor sport originating in england and has now spread to canada. Cooper's hill, which is located in birdlip near brockworth and is a thousand feet high, is famous for its fine pasture lands. Go ahead and add cheese rolling to the list. Photo by will de freitas on flickr anyone hopeful that they can stay upright all the way down learns after just a couple of strides that it’s impossible on this slope, and seemingly in unison everyone tumbles head over heels, legs over middles, arms over knees… The event was traditi