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Diy Planter Box Plans Pdf

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5 out of 5 stars. Maureen albertson 06 jun, 2020. Octagon planter Outdoor flower boxes, Diy planters Below is a list of 37 diy planter box plans and ideas for deck or patio. Diy planter box plans pdf . All it takes is sheer imagination. 32 easy diy wood planters 2x4 planter box plans, plans includes a pdf download, shopping list, cutting list, and drawings. I made mine flush with the bottom of the sides, to keep my planter box as deep as possible, but you can attach them higher if you desire. Watch the full build video here: You should consider investing in weather resistant lumber (cedar. If you have extra lumber from left over projects building some planter boxes can be the perfect use for that lumber. 5 out of 5 stars. If you want to add some decorative plants to your deck, this planter is a good choice. They're simple, cost effective and give you a huge bang for the buck! This woodworking project was about 13 free diy planter box plans. I also cho