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Service Animals In California Hotels

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The website ada.gov is very helpful. However, if a guest’s service animal causes damages to a guest room, a Giraffe Manor, Kenya. Travel Pinterest Places Read up on that as well. Service animals in california hotels . Service animals are working animals that have been trained to perform tasks that assist disabled people. Read up on hotels and service animals, it will help you a lot. When it comes to where service animals can go, hotels and other businesses are not required to make a change to a policy that would result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of the business, horton said. The service animal laws in california define services animals as ‘dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disability’. Dogs are the most common service animals, assisting people in many different ways since at least 1927. Mayor’s office on disability • 1155 market street, 1st floor • san francisco, ca 94103 tel: Penal code 365.7 introduced